Underwater inspection by underwater drone

With our Underwater drones we are setting new standards in the inspection and documentation of underwater infrastructure and systems in industry and power stations.

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Safe underwater inspections with underwater drones

Portrait of Christian Engelke
Christian Engelke

Rely on safe and cost-effective underwater inspections without the use of divers. Our underwater drones enable precise inspections even in confined and challenging areas, eliminating the need for expensive and time-consuming safety precautions. This saves you time and money while minimising the risk to your team. Benefit from precise results and a fast turnaround that optimises your operations and reduces downtime.

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A selection of our customers and partners

Underwater inspections by experts: more safety and less downtime for your systems and infrastructure

For operators of industrial plants and infrastructure, efficiency, safety and accuracy in underwater inspection and maintenance are crucial. This is where our underwater inspections with specialised drones offer significant advantages over conventional methods.
  • Our underwater drones are specially designed for inspections in challenging and difficult to access underwater areas. They make it possible to inspect narrow and complex structures without the use of divers or elaborate safety precautions. This means no lengthy preparation or high costs for dives that could hinder operations. Our inspections can be carried out while equipment is in operation, significantly reducing maintenance cycles and ensuring operational continuity.

  • Another key advantage is the precise data acquisition using high-resolution 4K cameras and sonar technology. Our underwater drones enable detailed analysis and documentation of damage and wear and tear. This precise data is not only essential for documentation, but also forms the basis for targeted and effective maintenance planning. They help operators to recognise risks at an early stage and carry out maintenance measures efficiently.

  • Our underwater inspections also increase the safety of maintenance staff. Instead of sending employees into potentially dangerous underwater areas, the drone takes over the inspection - safely and efficiently, without putting personnel in danger. This reduces the risk of accidents and significantly improves working conditions.

  • To summarise, our underwater inspections offer a modern solution for operators of industrial plants and infrastructure, that save time, reduce costs and maximise safety. Our expertise and technology are the ideal tools for optimising inspection and maintenance processes and ensuring the availability and reliability of your systems.

Chasing m2 Pro Max underwater drone

Save time and money on inspections - talk to our experts now!

Underwater drones: The ideal solution for inspections in confined and hard-to-reach areas

Experts for industrial inspections

Portrait of Christian Engelke
Portrait of Karsten Lehrke

Our customised inspection concepts use underwater drones in a targeted manner to fulfil the specific requirements of our customers and optimally implement precise and safe inspections in demanding environments.

What are the main advantages of using underwater drones for inspections compared to using divers?

Underwater drones minimise safety risks and save time and money by eliminating the need to send divers into dangerous environments. They do not require extensive safety planning and can be used in confined and hard-to-reach areas where divers cannot work safely. With high-resolution 4K cameras and sonar technology, they provide precise and repeatable data for accurate analysis and documentation. This makes inspections more efficient, safer and more cost-effective.

Which areas of application are ideal for underwater drones during inspections?

Underwater drones are ideal for inspections in difficult to access or dangerous underwater environments. Ideal areas of application include the inspection of maritime infrastructure such as culverts, cooling water pipes, harbour facilities and dyke crossings as well as industrial water basins, extinguishing water tanks and sprinkler tanks. They are also perfect for inspecting canals, pipes and narrow underwater areas where diver operations would be too risky or expensive. With sonar technology, they also offer clear visibility in murky waters, making them a reliable alternative to conventional methods.

What technologies are used for underwater inspections with our drones?

Our underwater drones are equipped with the latest technologies to enable precise and comprehensive inspections. They have high-resolution 4K cameras that deliver clear images and videos, even in dark or cloudy areas. For areas with limited visibility, we also utilise sonar technology, which enables detailed depth measurements and mapping of structures. This combination of visual and sonar data ensures complete coverage and analysis of inspection areas and provides our customers with a reliable basis for maintenance and repair decisions.

How safe are underwater drones for use in hazardous environments?

Underwater drones are ideal for inspections in dangerous and difficult-to-access environments as they are remote-controlled and do not bring people into risk zones. This eliminates the dangers associated with conventional inspection methods such as diving. The drones are robustly built and designed for use in confined, cloudy or structurally unsafe areas. With precise control and stable navigation, they capture all the necessary data without jeopardising the safety of people. This makes them the safe and reliable choice for inspections in challenging underwater environments.

What kind of data can the underwater drones we use collect?

Our underwater drones capture a wide range of data to ensure comprehensive analysis and documentation. The high-resolution 4K cameras deliver clear images and videos that make even the smallest details visible. In addition, our drones can be equipped with sonar technology, which is particularly suitable for murky waters or areas with limited visibility. Sonar produces detailed depth measurements and 3D images of structures. This combination of visual data and sonar information provides a precise basis for making informed decisions on the maintenance and repair of underwater infrastructure.

How long can the underwater drones dive?

Our underwater drones can dive for several hours at a time, depending on the specific requirements and conditions of the inspection. With efficient power management and the ability to quickly reach the surface and change the battery, they are ideal for longer inspection times. This enables thorough data collection without frequent interruptions.

Do I need special training to use the underwater drones we use?

As a provider of professional underwater inspections, we rely on our experienced and trained teams to optimise the use of drones and deliver precise inspection results. No special training is required for our customers, as our experts take care of the entire inspection process - from planning to execution and evaluation. Our teams know the specific challenges and requirements of underwater inspections inside out, ensuring efficient and safe inspections of your facilities and infrastructure.

Can underwater drones be used in areas with poor visibility?

Underwater drones can also be used in very poor visibility, but the success of the inspection depends on the specific conditions. Even with visibility of just 20-30 cm, valuable visual data can be captured to help identify damage or critical areas. In particularly turbid waters or where there is heavy particle pollution, sonar technology can also be used to achieve precise and meaningful results. The key is to carefully assess the environmental conditions and clearly define the inspection objectives to maximise the benefits.

What software is used for data analysis and reporting during underwater drone inspections?

During our underwater inspections, we create detailed reports based on the visual and sonar data collected. Our experienced experts analyse the recordings thoroughly and prepare the results clearly and comprehensibly using proven software tools to precisely present the condition of the inspected structures. In addition, our customers receive all the original material, including videos and images, for their own analyses or for archiving. In this way, we not only offer transparent insights into the inspection process, but also maximum flexibility in the further utilisation of the data.

How robust are the underwater drones used and what environmental conditions are required for their use?

Our underwater drones are specially designed for demanding inspections in challenging environments and are characterised by their robust construction, which makes them suitable for use in complex underwater areas. However, a number of environmental conditions must be met for them to function optimally. For a precise inspection, it is important that the current at the location is low to ensure stable navigation. The drones also need around 50 cm of free space to be able to manoeuvre safely around obstacles.

Our drones are designed for diving depths of up to 100 metres, although most inspections take place at shallower depths. With an effective operating radius of 150 metres, based on a tether length of 200 metres, they offer flexibility in inspection. In addition, they are capable of operating in water temperatures of up to 50 degrees Celsius. These conditions ensure that the drones can be operated efficiently and safely and deliver precise inspection results.

Professional underwater inspection

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Frequently asked questions

Underwater inspections with Kopterflug offer you the safety and quality that only an experienced team with extensive industry knowledge can deliver. We have successfully completed countless projects across a wide range of industrial, power generation and infrastructure sectors. Our experienced team understands the unique challenges of each environment and proactively develops customised inspection solutions to meet your exact needs.

Our specialised underwater drones provide precise and safe inspections, even in hard-to-reach and risky areas, and are a reliable alternative to traditional methods such as diver operations. With our expertise, we ensure that potential problems are identified and documented at an early stage so that you can make informed decisions. Rely on Kopterflug for proven experience, state-of-the-art technology and customised inspection strategies for your underwater projects.

Underwater inspection with Kopterflug offers you numerous advantages that go far beyond conventional inspection methods. Our experienced teams use state-of-the-art underwater drones that have been specially developed for precise inspections in challenging and hard-to-reach areas. Here are some of the key benefits you get with our service:

  1. Experience and expertise: With countless successfully completed projects in the industrial, power generation and infrastructure sectors, we have the knowledge and experience to develop customised inspection solutions for your specific requirements.

  2. Maximum safety: Our inspection methods eliminate the need for risky diving operations and thus protect the safety of your employees. The remote-controlled technology of our drones makes it possible to penetrate dangerous or hard-to-reach areas without endangering people.

  3. Precise and fast results: Thanks to high-resolution cameras and optional sonar technology, our drones capture detailed data in real time, enabling problem areas to be identified quickly and maintenance measures to be planned efficiently.

  4. Cost efficiency: By using our underwater drones, downtimes can be minimised and inspection processes accelerated, resulting in significant cost savings.

With Kopterflug, you can rely on a partner that is characterised by quality, reliability and in-depth industry knowledge. We ensure that your underwater infrastructure always remains in optimum condition and provide you with all the information you need to make informed decisions.

Kopterflug provides underwater inspection services for a wide range of industries and applications, particularly in areas where accurate and safe inspection of underwater structures is required. Our services are ideal for:

  1. Industrial plantsInspection of cooling water pipes, fire water tanks, sprinkler tanks and other underground or submerged structures that require regular inspections.

  2. Power generationMonitoring and inspection of structures in hydropower plants, cooling systems in power plants and other water-based systems to ensure reliable and continuous power generation.

  3. Infrastructure facilitiesInspection of culverts, dyke crossing structures, canals, pipes and industrial water basins that are difficult to access and require special equipment for inspection and maintenance.

Our underwater drone inspections are ideal for all applications where the safety and efficiency of inspections without the use of divers is paramount. Please note that we do not offer offshore inspections, but focus on onshore applications and inspections in inland waters as well as industrial facilities. With our experience and expertise, we ensure precise and reliable documentation and analysis of your underwater infrastructure.

An underwater inspection with Kopterflug follows a structured and proven process designed to deliver accurate results and meet the specific requirements of our customers. Here is an overview of the typical process:

  1. Preliminary discussion and planning: Firstly, we discuss with you the exact requirements of the inspection, the areas to be inspected, potential challenges and the desired result. Based on this information, we develop a customised inspection concept that takes into account the special features of your system.

  2. On-site inspection and preparation: Before the actual inspection, we carry out a thorough inspection of the deployment site to clarify all safety-related and logistical details. The inspection area is precisely defined and the operating conditions such as current, space conditions and water temperature are checked.

  3. Carrying out the inspection: Our experienced teams use the underwater drones precisely and efficiently to capture the required areas. The drones are remotely controlled to ensure maximum control and safety during the inspection. They capture high-resolution visual data and, if necessary, sonar data in real time.

  4. Data analysis and documentation: After the inspection, the collected data is carefully analysed. We create detailed reports that document the condition of the inspected structures and provide you with the information you need to make informed decisions. All original material (videos, images, etc.) is also made available to you.

  5. Debriefing and recommendations: Finally, we discuss the results of the inspection with you and make recommendations for possible measures or further steps. Our aim is to provide you with all the necessary information to ensure the integrity and safety of your underwater infrastructure.

With Kopterflug, you receive a comprehensive service that is designed for safety, precision and efficiency and is carried out by an experienced team that is well versed in a wide range of applications.

The cost of an underwater inspection with Kopterflug depends on various factors and can vary depending on the individual case. Influencing factors include the scope and complexity of the inspection area, the duration of the operation, specific data acquisition requirements (such as the use of sonar technology) and local conditions.

We create a customised offer for each customer that is precisely tailored to their specific requirements and circumstances. We will be happy to advise you in a non-binding discussion and work together to develop a customised solution that meets both your technical and budgetary requirements.

The lead time for an underwater inspection with Kopterflug can vary depending on the specific requirements and conditions of the project. In many cases, we can schedule inspections at short notice and carry them out within a few days, especially if the operating conditions are clear and no special authorisations are required.

In exceptional cases, where more complex preparations, specific authorisations or special conditions on site are required, the lead time can also be several weeks. We are flexible and work closely with our customers to ensure that the inspection takes place at the optimum time and under the best conditions. It is best to get in touch with us early to discuss the details and allow for swift planning.

The cooperation with Kopterflug is characterised by our many years of experience, our transparent communication and our strong commitment to achieving the best possible success for our customers. We have already realised numerous inspection projects in a wide range of industries and therefore have a deep understanding of the challenges and needs of our customers.

Our approach is based on honesty and trust. We emphasise clear and open communication to ensure that our clients are always informed about the progress and results of their projects. Our team is highly motivated and works proactively to develop innovative solutions that meet the highest standards and deliver tangible results.

At Kopterflug, your goals take centre stage. We are committed to providing customised inspection solutions that are both effective and efficient to ensure maximum safety and value for you.

At Kopterflug, we prioritise safety and precision in every inspection. Our safety standards include several carefully planned steps to ensure that the inspection is carried out safely and effectively:

  1. Activation of the systems: If necessary, we coordinate the activation and securing of the systems to be inspected to ensure that there is no danger to the team or the environment during the inspection.

  2. Precise planning of the inspection mission: Every inspection is planned in detail. We analyse the conditions on site, consider possible risks and determine the best procedures to ensure a smooth and safe implementation.

  3. Direct communication with all parties involved: Clear and open communication with all parties involved is crucial. We make sure that everyone is informed about the inspection plan and the safety measures and that any questions and concerns are clarified directly.

  4. Staff with industry experience: Our team consists of experienced specialists who have extensive knowledge of the industry and underwater inspections. This expertise enables us to work safely and efficiently, even in challenging environments.

Through these safety measures and our dedicated approach, we ensure that every inspection at Kopterflug is carried out safely, reliably and successfully.

To book an underwater inspection with Kopterflug, simply get in touch with us - either by phone, email or via the contact form on our website. In an initial consultation, we will clarify your specific requirements, the desired scope of the inspection and any special challenges. Based on this discussion, we will create a customised offer for you that is precisely tailored to your needs.

As soon as you accept the offer, we plan the date together and prepare everything necessary for the inspection. Our experienced team will then carry out the inspection at the agreed time and ensure that all safety and inspection standards are met. Contact us to start your inspection and benefit from our expertise!