Warehouse Rack Inspection by drone

The Shelf inspection (DIN EN 15635) with the Flyability ELIOS 3 drone enables fast and safe inspection of hard-to-reach areas in the warehouse - with minimum downtime and maximum efficiency for your company.

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Shelf inspections in accordance with DIN EN 15635: Drone inspections for maximum safety and efficiency

Portrait of Christian Engelke
Christian Engelke
Regular rack inspections in accordance with DIN EN 15635 or DGUV are time-consuming and costly, often associated with expensive downtime and risks for the rack inspectors. With our method, the rack inspector checks from his desk.
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Flyability ELIOS 3: Drone inspections in high-bay warehouses - safety and the shortest possible downtimes

As the person responsible for the safety of a high-bay warehouse, you know how important regular and thorough inspections are.

Damage to racking components such as bent uprights, cracks or loose connections must be detected at an early stage in order to ensure safety and fulfil legal regulations such as DIN EN 15635. However, conventional inspection methods are often time-consuming, expensive and risky.

  • With the Drone inspections of the Flyability ELIOS 3 we offer a modern solution that addresses all of these challenges. Our drones capture high-resolution images and accurate LiDAR data that enable a detailed and precise inspection of your high-bay warehouses - without the use of ladders, lifting platforms or scaffolding.

  • Although the inspection requires a qualified rack inspector, they can work particularly efficiently thanks to the precise drone images and create the inspection report quickly and comprehensively. This minimises downtime and ensures uninterrupted inspection while your business continues to run.

  • The ELIOS 3 drone not only ensures precise results, but also protects inspection personnel from risky work assignments. By using the latest drone technology, you save time and money while increasing safety in your warehouse. The detailed images and reports form a solid basis for targeted maintenance measures and long-term planning to maintain the safety and stability of your warehouse facilities.

  • Rely on the Flyability ELIOS 3 and experience how drone inspections, combined with the efficiency of a rack inspector, make your high-bay warehouse safer, more efficient and more cost-effective.
Flyability Elios 3 drone in frontal view

Save time and costs when checking shelves - talk to our experts now!

Rack inspection in high-bay warehouses: Flyability ELIOS 3 enables fast and reliable inspections

Experts for industrial inspections

Portrait of Christian Engelke
Portrait of Karsten Lehrke
Our experts develop Customised inspection solutions for rack inspections and use the Flyability ELIOS 3 drone to achieve precise and reliable results even in hard-to-reach storage areas.

What are the advantages of a shelf inspection with the Flyability ELIOS 3 drone?

The Shelf inspection with the Flyability ELIOS 3 drone offers the advantage that even hard-to-reach areas in the warehouse can be inspected quickly and precisely. The use of the drone eliminates the need for complex scaffolding or climbing operations and minimises the downtime of the racking, which makes operations more efficient.

How does drone inspection differ from conventional shelf inspections?

In contrast to conventional inspections, which often require long downtimes and extensive preparations, drone inspection enables flexible and timely inspections. The Flyability ELIOS 3 drone can manoeuvre quickly and safely through tight and hard-to-reach areas and provides detailed visual coverage in real time.

Which racking systems can be tested with the Flyability ELIOS 3?

The Flyability ELIOS 3 drone is suitable for inspecting all conceivable racking systems.

How safe is the inspection with the Flyability ELIOS 3 drone?

The Flyability ELIOS 3 drone is specially designed for use in confined or hard-to-reach environments. The shelf inspection is carried out safely from the ground and the drone is completely safe for its surroundings.

How long does a shelf inspection with the drone take?

The duration of the inspection depends on various aspects. Roughly speaking, with a height of 20 metres and a length of 90 metres per aisle, you can calculate one working day for the inspection. An empty rack is of course inspected much more quickly.

Who prepares the expertises and test reports after the drone inspection?

After the inspection with the Flyability ELIOS 3 drone, the collected data is analysed by a certified rack inspector. We provide our Flyability Inspector 5 software for this purpose. The reports fulfil all relevant standards.

Is the ELIOS 3 easy to operate and do I need special training?

Yes, the ELIOS 3 is user-friendly and can be controlled intuitively. However, the manufacturer, Flyability, offers training to ensure that operators can utilise the full potential of the drone and comply with all safety precautions. Please note: We are a service provider ourselves and do not offer training!

What happens if defects or damage are discovered during the inspection?

If the drone inspection reveals defects or damage to the racking systems, these are documented and recorded in a detailed inspection report. Obvious defects are communicated directly to the customer on site.

Can the drone inspection also be carried out during operation?

The aisle or gear must be unlocked during the inspection. However, the required downtime is comparatively short.

How can I book a drone inspection for my racking system?

You can easily book a drone inspection with Kopterflug. Contact us via our online form or by phone and our team will arrange an appointment for the inspection and provide you with comprehensive advice on the next steps.
Digital precision: 3D point clouds for detailed shelf inspection

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Frequently asked questions

Kopterflug has extensive experience in the inspection of industrial plants and racking systems. Our experts understand the complex requirements and provide precise inspections and detailed documentation for seamless collaboration with certified rack inspectors.
At Kopterflug, we have years of experience in inspecting various industrial facilities and assets. Our experts know the specific challenges and requirements of different industries and utilise the latest drone technology to deliver accurate results every time.
After the drone inspection, Kopterflug prepares all the collected data and images in such a way that certified shelf inspectors can easily use them for expertises and test reports. For this purpose, we provide the drone software, Flyability Inspector 5, free of charge.
Kopterflug not only offers state-of-the-art drone technology, but also in-depth expertise in the documentation of complex issues. Our extensive experience enables us to handle even the most difficult inspection requirements efficiently and present them in an understandable way.
Our inspections are designed to record all relevant data required for the inspection reports in accordance with DIN EN 15635 and DGUV 208-061. Through our detailed documentation and co-operation with experienced rack inspectors, we ensure that all inspections comply with legal requirements.
You can easily reach us via our contact form or contact us by phone. Our team will discuss your requirements with you and prepare a customised quote for your inspection.