Inspection of ceilings and roofs in industrial halls by drone

The inspection of ceiling and roof structures in industrial and power plant facilities with the Flyability ELIOS 3 offers fast, safe inspections of hard-to-reach areas - with minimum disruption to operations and maximum efficiency for you.
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Safe inspection of ceilings with the Flyability ELIOS drone

Portrait of Christian Engelke
Christian Engelke

Traditional ceiling inspections in industrial halls are time-consuming and often require the use of scaffolding and lifting platforms, which is associated with high costs. With our drone solution, inspections can be carried out quickly and safely without having to shut down the plant.

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Flyability ELIOS 3: Inspection of ceilings and roofs for facility management - safety and efficiency in ceiling inspections

As the person responsible for facility management, you know how important regular and thorough ceiling inspections are in industrial and power plant facilities. Damage or soiling to ceiling structures, sprinkler pipes, ventilation shafts, electrical cables, dust deposits and potential leaks must be detected at an early stage to ensure the safety and efficiency of the plant and avoid costly breakdowns. However, conventional inspection methods are often associated with high costs, long downtimes and safety risks for personnel.

  • With the Drone inspections of the Flyability ELIOS 3 we offer a modern solution for facility management. Our drones capture high-resolution images and precise LiDAR data to carry out a detailed inspection of hard-to-reach areas on ceiling structures and in shafts - without the use of scaffolding, lifting platforms or ladders. This minimises inspection times and the associated interruptions to operations.

  • Through the use of our drones the inspection personnel can work comfortably and safely from the ground and still receive precise data to assess the condition. This means that leaks, contamination or damage can be recognised quickly and targeted maintenance measures can be initiated before major problems occur.

  • The Flyability ELIOS 3 drone not only protects inspection personnel from unnecessary risks, but also saves time and money. The comprehensive and accurate images and reports provide a sound basis for planning and implementing maintenance work in facility management.

  • Srely on drone inspections with Flyability ELIOS 3 and optimise the safety and efficiency of your ceiling inspections as part of modern facility management.
Flyability Elios 3 drone in frontal view

Save time and money on ceiling inspections - Talk to our experts now

Ceiling inspection in industrial plants: Flyability ELIOS 3 enables fast and safe inspections

Experts for industrial inspections

Portrait of Christian Engelke
Portrait of Karsten Lehrke

Our experts develop Customised inspection solutions for ceiling inspections and set the Flyability ELIOS 3 drone to achieve precise and reliable results even in areas that are difficult to access.

What are the advantages of a ceiling inspection with the Flyability ELIOS 3 drone?

Ceiling inspection with the Flyability ELIOS 3 drone offers numerous advantages: it enables safe access to hard-to-reach areas without the use of scaffolding or lifting platforms, saving time and money. The drone provides high-resolution 4K images and LiDAR data, enabling precise assessment of the condition of ceiling structures, sprinkler pipes, ventilation shafts and other important installations. As a result, potential damage, leaks or contamination can be detected at an early stage and targeted maintenance measures can be initiated without significantly disrupting ongoing operations.

How does drone inspection differ from conventional shelf inspections?

Drone inspection differs from conventional ceiling inspections in that it eliminates the need for scaffolding, lifting platforms or ladders, saving time and money. The Flyability ELIOS 3 drone can reach hard-to-access areas quickly and safely, providing high-resolution images and LiDAR data for precise condition assessment. Unlike traditional methods, which often mean long downtimes and risks for inspection personnel, drone inspection enables efficient and safe inspection, often without significantly disrupting ongoing operations.

Which ceiling structures can be inspected with the Flyability ELIOS 3 drone?

The Flyability ELIOS 3 drone can be used to inspect various ceiling structures and facilities in industrial environments, including waste bunkers, waste sorting facilities, sprinkler lines, ventilation shafts and pipework. The drone offers a safe and efficient solution, especially in hard-to-reach areas such as high ceilings, narrow shafts or areas with potential leaks. It enables precise inspection without the need for scaffolding or lifting platforms, saving time and money while increasing the safety of inspection personnel.

How safe is the inspection of ceiling structures with the Flyability ELIOS 3 drone?

Inspecting ceiling structures with the Flyability ELIOS 3 drone is particularly safe and gentle, as it has been specially developed for narrow and hard-to-reach ceiling areas. Thanks to its compact design and precise control, the drone can manoeuvre safely even in confined spaces without damaging the structures. The drone's controlled flight also prevents a lot of dust from being kicked up, which not only improves visibility for inspection purposes, but also ensures the safety and cleanliness of the surrounding area.

How long does a ceiling inspection with the Flyability ELIOS 3 drone take?

Ceiling inspection with the Flyability ELIOS 3 drone makes it possible to access areas that are almost impossible to reach using conventional methods such as a climbing ladder. Compared to conventional solutions, drone inspections generally only take a fraction of the time. However, the inspection of very large halls or complex systems can take several days, as all relevant areas are thoroughly recorded and analysed.

How are the targets for drone inspections defined and controlled?

The objectives for the drone inspection are defined in close cooperation with the plant operator, our customer. Before each inspection, we discuss the specific requirements and focal points that need to be checked. During the inspection, we continuously monitor the defined objectives and adjust the inspection process if necessary. This close coordination and continuous monitoring ensure that all relevant areas are precisely assessed and that the inspection results meet the customer's expectations and requirements.

Is the ELIOS 3 easy to operate and do I need special training?

The Flyability ELIOS 3 drone is a highly specialised drone designed for inspections in challenging and hard-to-reach areas. Although it is designed to be user-friendly, its safe and efficient use requires specialised training. Our drone pilots are fully trained and certified to control the drone in complex environments and carry out precise inspections. The right training ensures that the drone offers maximum performance and safety and that the inspection results meet the highest standards.

What happens if defects or damage are discovered during the ceiling inspection?

If defects or damage are detected during the ceiling inspection, such as cracks, leaks, loose components or soiling, we document these immediately with high-resolution images and LiDAR data. This information is transmitted directly to the system operator in order to jointly assess the condition of the ceiling and prioritise the necessary measures. In this way, targeted repairs and maintenance work can be planned and quickly implemented to ensure the safety of the ceiling structure and avoid expensive consequential damage.

Can the drone inspection of ceiling structures also be carried out during ongoing operations?

Whether the drone inspection of ceiling structures can be carried out during ongoing operations depends heavily on the specific conditions of your installation. In some cases, such as low ceiling heights or areas with sensitive equipment, a break in operations may be necessary. In other, less frequented areas, the inspection can be carried out safely without interrupting operations. We will assess the conditions on site and work with you to determine the best course of action to ensure a safe and efficient inspection.

How can I book a drone inspection for my ceiling structures?

To book a drone inspection for your ceiling structures, simply get in touch with us. Our experts are on hand to discuss your specific requirements and develop a customised inspection solution. You can contact us by phone, email or via our online contact form on our website. We will then arrange a suitable appointment and provide you with comprehensive advice on the process and the best inspection methods for your system.
Digital precision: 3D point clouds for detailed ceiling inspections

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Frequently asked questions

Kopterflug is the right partner for drone inspections of overhead structures because we have years of experience in inspecting industrial facilities and hard-to-reach areas. We combine state-of-the-art technology, such as the Flyability ELIOS 3, with our in-depth expertise to carry out safe and efficient inspections. Our experts specialise in inspecting complex ceiling areas in industrial and power plant facilities and provide accurate data for condition assessment with precise 4K images and 3D point clouds. Our customised inspection solutions minimise downtime and maximise the safety and efficiency of your systems. With Kopterflug, you have an experienced partner who will fulfil your inspection requirements professionally and reliably.
Kopterflug has years of experience in inspecting ceiling structures in industrial facilities such as power plants, production halls and waste bunkers. Our team of certified drone pilots and inspection experts has successfully carried out numerous ceiling inspections and knows the special challenges that arise when inspecting ceiling areas that are difficult to access. With the Flyability ELIOS 3 drone, we use state-of-the-art technology to capture precise 4K images and 3D point clouds that allow us to analyse ceiling structures in detail. Our experience and expertise guarantee you reliable results and ensure that potential defects can be recognised and rectified at an early stage.
Kopterflug supports collaboration with maintenance and facility managers on ceiling inspections by offering state-of-the-art drone technology and in-depth expertise in data capture and analysis. Our drones, such as the Flyability ELIOS 3, capture precise 4K images and 3D point clouds that help facility managers to comprehensively assess hard-to-reach ceiling areas. Prior to each inspection, we work closely with you to define the specific objectives and determine the focus of the inspection. This collaborative approach enables efficient inspection, quick decision-making and targeted maintenance actions that increase the safety and efficiency of your facility.
Kopterflug distinguishes itself from other providers through our many years of experience in a still young market. We have already carried out numerous ceiling inspections in various industrial plants and have a deep understanding of the specific challenges and requirements. In addition to ceiling inspection, we are also broadly positioned in other areas of industrial inspection and maintenance. This combination of comprehensive expertise, flexibility and practical experience enables us to offer customised solutions that are precisely tailored to the needs of our customers.
As we are not aware of any specific legal requirements for ceiling inspections, we rely on our many years of experience and best practice to ensure that all inspections meet the highest standards. We work closely with you, the plant operator, to define and fulfil individual requirements and inspection objectives. Our experienced team will ensure that all relevant aspects are thoroughly checked and the results accurately documented to support the safety and efficiency of your plant.
You can easily book a drone inspection with Kopterflug by contacting us directly. Our team will discuss the specific requirements of your ceiling inspection with you and develop a customised solution. You can reach us by phone, email or via our online contact form on our website. We will arrange a suitable appointment and provide you with comprehensive advice on the process to ensure that your inspection is carried out efficiently and safely.