Chimney inspection by drone

Inspection of industrial and power station chimneys with the DJI M30T and Flyability ELIOS 3. Safe inspections of indoor and outdoor areas. Precise 4K footage and LiDAR data enable our drones to provide accurate condition assessment, reduce downtime and increase operational safety by thoroughly inspecting hard-to-reach areas.

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Inspection of chimneys by drone

Portrait of Christian Engelke
Christian Engelke

The Drone inspection of chimneys offers a safe, cost-effective solution for maintenance in industrial and power plant facilities. With the DJI M30T for outdoor areas and the Flyability ELIOS 3 for indoor areas chimneys can be inspected precisely and in detail without scaffolding or climbing techniques. High-resolution 4K images and LiDAR data enable an accurate condition assessment while minimising downtime and risks for personnel. This ensures effective and proactive maintenance of your chimney systems.

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Chimney inspections by drone - less downtime, more safety

As the person responsible for the safety of your chimneys, you know how important regular and thorough inspections are. Compliance with legal requirements and standards such as DIN EN 13084 is crucial to ensure operational safety and avoid liability risks.
  • Damage to chimneys such as cracks, corrosion, deposits or structural damage must be recognised at an early stage in order to maintain the structural integrity of the chimneys. Traditional inspection methods are time-consuming, expensive and sometimes risky. With our drone inspections from Kopterflug, carried out with the DJI M30T for exterior inspections and the Flyability ELIOS 3 for interior inspections, we offer you a modern solution that overcomes all these challenges. Our drones capture high-resolution 4K images and precise LiDAR data, allowing for a detailed and accurate inspection of your chimneys - without the use of scaffolding, climbing equipment or working platforms.

  • Thanks to our co-operation with I.S.T. Ingenieurbüro für Schornsteintechnik, Züblin ZCR and other leading experts in the industry, we offer you a unique combination of safe drone inspection and in-depth expertise. This ensures that all inspections comply with current legislation and standards. Although the inspection requires a qualified plant manager, the precise drone images allow them to work particularly efficiently and produce the inspection report quickly and comprehensively. This minimises downtime and ensures an uninterrupted inspection while your chimney systems remain in operation.

  • Our drone inspection not only ensures precise results, but also protects inspection personnel from risky work in hazardous environments. By using the latest drone technology and the expertise of our partners, such as I.S.T. Ingenieurbüro für Schornsteintechnik and Züblin ZCR, you save time and money while increasing the safety of your systems. The detailed images and reports we provide you with form a solid basis for targeted maintenance measures and long-term planning to maintain the safety and efficiency of your chimney systems.

  • Set to KopterflugThe DJI M30T and Flyability ELIOS 3, as well as our partnerships with I.S.T. Ingenieurbüro für Schornsteintechnik, Züblin ZCR and other experts, and see how our drone inspections, combined with the expertise of your plant managers, make your chimney inspections safer, more efficient and more cost-effective - while ensuring compliance with all relevant regulations.
Flyability Elios 3 drone in frontal view

Save time and money when inspecting your refractory systems - talk to our experts now!

Inspection of chimneys: Flyability ELIOS 3 enables fast and safe inspections.

Experts for industrial inspections

Portrait of Christian Engelke
Portrait of Karsten Lehrke

Our experts develop customised inspection solutions for chimneys and use the Flyability ELIOS 3 drone to achieve precise and safe results even in areas that are difficult to access.

What are the advantages of inspecting chimneys with drones?

Drone inspections offer chimney operators in industrial and power plant facilities numerous advantages:

  • Increased safety: Drones eliminate the need for climbers and scaffolding, protect personnel and enable safe inspections of indoor and outdoor areas.

  • Precise data: High-resolution cameras and LiDAR provide detailed visual and 3D data for the early detection of cracks, corrosion and other defects.

  • Less downtime: Inspections can often be carried out during operation, which minimises downtime and production losses.

  • Cost savings: Fewer climbing and scaffolding operations reduce inspection costs and enable targeted maintenance planning.

  • Legal compliance: Fulfilment of legal requirements in cooperation with certified experts and testing associations.

  • Flexible solutions: Customised inspection concepts that are precisely tailored to your requirements.

With drone inspections, Kopterflug offers a safe, precise and cost-effective solution for optimising chimney maintenance and operational safety.

How does drone inspection differ from conventional methods for inspecting chimneys?

The drone inspection of chimneys differs significantly from conventional inspection methods and offers several advantages:

  1. No need for scaffolding or climbing equipment: Traditional inspection methods often require the use of scaffolding, rope access techniques or industrial climbers to reach the high and hard-to-access areas of chimneys. These methods are not only time-consuming and expensive, but also involve high risks for inspection personnel. Drones eliminate these risks by enabling remote inspections.

  2. Faster data acquisition: While conventional inspections can take several days to cover all relevant areas of the chimney, a drone inspection can be carried out in a much shorter time. Drones can fly quickly around the chimney and capture precise 4K images and LiDAR data, enabling a complete and detailed analysis.

  3. Minimisation of system downtimes: Traditional inspection methods often require shutting down the chimney or even the entire plant to ensure access for inspection personnel. With drones, many inspections can be carried out while operations continue, significantly reducing downtime and associated costs.

  4. More precise and comprehensive data: Drones are equipped with high-resolution cameras and advanced sensor technology that capture detailed visual and 3D data. This precise data enables a more accurate assessment of the condition of the chimney than conventional methods, which often rely on human observation and manual measurements.

  5. Cost savings: The use of drones not only reduces the need for complex equipment and safety precautions, but also saves costs for expensive scaffolding and the use of climbing teams. This leads to a significant reduction in the overall cost of the inspection.

  6. Accessibility and flexibility: Drones can reach areas that are difficult to access using conventional methods. They can effectively and safely inspect both the outside and inside structures of chimneys, which is particularly beneficial for complex or damaged structures.

Overall, drone inspections offer a safer, faster and more cost-effective alternative to traditional inspection methods, while providing more detailed and accurate data for informed maintenance planning.

Which chimneys can be inspected with drones?

Most types of chimneys in industrial and power plants can be efficiently inspected using drones such as the Flyability ELIOS 3 and the DJI M30T. Drone inspections offer a flexible and safe solution for inspecting various chimney structures:

  1. Interior inspection with the Flyability ELIOS 3: The Flyability ELIOS 3 is ideal for inspecting the interior of chimneys and flue gas ducts. It can be used in confined, difficult to access and hazardous environments to detect potential damage such as cracks, corrosion, deposits and material wear. This applies to chimneys made of concrete, steel, brick or even complex double-walled systems.

  2. Exterior inspection with the DJI M30T: The DJI M30T drone is used for the external inspection of chimneys. This drone is equipped with high-resolution cameras and infrared sensors to detect external damage such as cracks, deformations, corrosion and other structural anomalies on almost all types of chimneys. It can accurately and safely inspect chimneys made of various materials such as concrete, steel or masonry.

By using these two drones, almost all chimney types can be inspected thoroughly and efficiently, both internally and externally. The combination of precise 4K images and detailed LiDAR data provides a comprehensive basis for assessing the condition and planning targeted maintenance measures, ensuring the safety and operational efficiency of chimney systems.

How safe is the inspection of chimneys by drone?

Inspecting chimneys by drone is an extremely safe method compared to traditional inspection methods, which often require risky climbing and the use of scaffolding or rope access techniques. Drones offer several safety-related advantages:

  1. No use of climbers or scaffolding: Drone inspections eliminate the need to send inspectors to great heights or dangerous environments. This significantly reduces the risk of accidents and injuries. Drones such as the Flyability ELIOS 3 for indoor inspections and the DJI M30T for outdoor inspections offer a safe alternative by enabling remote inspections.

  2. Use in difficult environments: Chimneys are often exposed to high temperatures, aggressive chemical influences and confined spaces. Drones are specially designed for use in such challenging environments and can operate safely without endangering inspection personnel.

  3. Continuous data acquisition in real time: Drones provide real-time data and high-resolution images, allowing inspectors to accurately assess the condition of the chimney without being physically present. This enables quick decisions to be made without jeopardising the safety of personnel.

  4. Minimise contact with hazardous substances: For chimneys that are exposed to toxic gases or other hazardous substances, drone inspections minimise inspectors' direct contact with such hazards as the drones can be operated safely from a distance.

  5. Reduced downtimes: Traditional inspection methods often require a complete shutdown of the chimney or the entire plant, which can lead to extended downtime. With drone inspections, many inspections can be carried out without interrupting operations, maintaining the safety of operations while increasing efficiency.

Overall, the inspection of chimneys by drone offers a safe, precise and cost-effective solution that ensures both the safety of the inspection personnel and the operational safety of the system.

How long does a chimney inspection with a drone take?

The duration of a drone inspection of chimneys varies depending on the size, height, complexity and scope of the inspection. As a rule, however, drone inspections are significantly faster than conventional methods:

  • Simple inspections: Chimneys of medium size or with a simple structure can often be inspected in just a few hours, as drones can be deployed quickly and do not require time-consuming preparations such as scaffolding.

  • Comprehensive inspections: For large or complex chimneys that require a detailed inspection, the inspection can take up to a day or longer, depending on the number of areas to be inspected and the desired data quality.

A key advantage is that drone inspections can usually be carried out without significant downtime. Unlike traditional methods, which often require the plant to be shut down, drone inspections allow for fast and efficient testing in parallel with ongoing operations. Overall, drone inspections are generally faster and cause less disruption than traditional methods.

Who prepares the expertises and test reports after the drone inspection?

After a drone inspection of chimneys, Kopterflug delivers the collected inspection data, such as high-resolution 4K images, LiDAR scans and detailed visual images, directly to the customer or the commissioned expert. The creation of expertises and inspection reports is not carried out by us, but by the operator of the chimney or by external, qualified experts.

  1. Data delivery to the customer: If the chimney operator is responsible for the evaluation themselves, we provide all relevant inspection data. This data can be used by the company's internal specialists to assess the condition of the chimney and plan targeted maintenance measures.

  2. Cooperation with experts: Alternatively, we often work directly on behalf of surveyors, such as I.S.T. Ingenieurbüro für Schornsteintechnik or Züblin ZCR, and deliver the inspection data directly to these experts. The experts use the data supplied to create well-founded inspection reports that assess the condition of the chimney and make recommendations for repairs or maintenance measures.

Kopterflug focuses on ensuring reliable and accurate data collection using state-of-the-art drone technology. However, the interpretation of the data and the preparation of the formal inspection reports is the responsibility of the chimney operator or the appointed surveyors.

Are drones for chimney inspections easy to operate and do you need special training?

Drones offer an innovative and efficient way to inspect chimneys, but the use of drone technology, especially in industrial environments such as chimney inspections, requires a certain amount of expertise and special training:

  1. Professional drone pilots: Operating drones for chimney inspections requires trained drone pilots who have the necessary experience and qualifications to operate safely in complex and challenging environments. Chimneys can have confined spaces, high temperatures and difficult access points that require specialised flying techniques and safety precautions.

  2. Specialised training and certifications: Drone pilots must not only be familiar with the control and navigation of the drone, but also know the relevant safety regulations and legal requirements. In most cases, specialised training and certification is required to ensure that inspections comply with applicable regulations and standards.

  3. Understanding the inspection objectives: In addition to pure flight knowledge, drone pilots must also have an understanding of the specific inspection objectives. They need to know which areas of the chimney to focus on, such as cracks, corrosion, deposits or other potential damage, in order to collect relevant and accurate data.

  4. Use of advanced technology: The use of drones such as the Flyability ELIOS 3 or the DJI M30T requires a deep understanding of the technology used. These drones are equipped with high-resolution cameras and special sensors that enable precise inspection. Pilots must therefore be trained to use these technologies effectively and interpret the data collected.

Therefore, the use of drones for chimney inspections is not simply "plug-and-play", but requires a professional approach to carry out safe, efficient and effective inspections.

What happens if defects or damage are detected during the drone inspection of chimneys?

If defects or damage are detected during a drone inspection of chimneys, this information is immediately passed on to the operator of the chimney or the appointed surveyor. The further process is usually as follows:

  1. Immediate documentation of the damage: During the inspection, the drones capture high-resolution 4K images and detailed videos that visualise cracks, corrosion, deformations or other structural defects. This data is monitored in real time and any anomalies are documented immediately.

  2. Provision of inspection data: Once the inspection is complete, all the data collected, including photos, videos and LiDAR scans, is sent to the chimney operator or the appointed surveyor. This data provides a clear visual and analytical basis to comprehensively assess the condition of the chimney.

  3. Analysis by experts: The inspection data is analysed by qualified specialists or external experts to assess the severity of the defects found. Based on this analysis, a decision is made as to whether immediate action is required or whether the damage can be rectified as part of regular maintenance.

  4. Creation of an action plan: If defects or damage are identified, an action plan is developed that contains recommendations for necessary repairs or maintenance work. This plan can also include the urgency of the measures, the type of repair work required and the expected costs.

  5. Implementation of the measures: Once the action plan is available, the chimney operator can decide whether and when the recommended repairs should be carried out. This can range from minor maintenance work to major structural repairs.

Drone inspections provide chimney operators with a quick and precise assessment of the condition of their systems. This enables proactive planning of maintenance measures and helps to recognise and rectify major damage and potential risks at an early stage.

Can the drone inspection of chimneys also be carried out during operation?

Yes, drone inspections of chimneys are often possible during operation, especially for external inspections. The DJI M30T drone is ideal for this task, as it flies around the chimney and captures high-resolution images and infrared images for thermographic analyses. This allows cracks, deformations and corrosion to be detected without interrupting operation.

Thermographic inspections during operation make it possible to detect hotspots, leaks or insulation problems in real time, which supports preventive maintenance planning. However, there are limitations: Strong winds, heat or toxic exhaust fumes can make drone use difficult and require special safety measures and authorisations.

However, interior inspections with drones such as the Flyability ELIOS 3 are not possible during operation. These areas must be taken out of service and cleaned to ensure a safe inspection. Overall, drone exterior inspections during operation provide effective condition monitoring with minimal downtime, provided that all safety precautions are observed.

How can I book a drone inspection for my chimney?

  1. Contact us: Give us a call, send us an e-mail or use our online contact form. Provide us with basic information about your chimney and the purpose of the inspection.

  2. Consultancy and needs analysis: Our experts will advise you on the best inspection method, whether with the DJI M30T for outdoor areas or the Flyability ELIOS 3 for indoor areas. We will clarify whether additional partners such as surveyors should be involved.

  3. Offer and date: You will receive a customised offer containing all the details. After your approval, we will arrange a suitable date.

  4. Realisation and results: On the day of the inspection, we record all relevant data. We then discuss the results and make recommendations for possible measures.

With Kopterflug you get a professional and safe drone inspection. Contact us now to book your inspection!

Chimney inspection by drone

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Frequently asked questions

Kopterflug is your ideal chimney inspection partner because we combine years of experience and state-of-the-art drone technology to carry out inspections safely, efficiently and accurately. Our drone pilots are highly qualified and use drones such as the Flyability ELIOS 3 for interior inspections and the DJI M30T for exterior inspections to capture detailed and reliable data. By working with experts such as I.S.T. Ingenieurbüro für Schornsteintechnik and Züblin ZCR, we ensure that our inspection data meets the highest standards. With our customised solutions, we reduce downtime and costs while providing maximum safety and an accurate condition assessment of your chimneys.
Kopterflug has extensive experience in the inspection of chimneys and industrial plants. We have successfully carried out numerous inspections in various industries and power plants and understand the specific challenges and requirements associated with the inspection of chimneys. Our drone pilots are specially trained to carry out precise and safe inspections in demanding environments, both for indoor areas with the Flyability ELIOS 3 and for outdoor areas with the DJI M30T. Through our collaboration with surveyors and inspection organisations, we ensure that our inspections meet the highest standards and provide our customers with reliable data for maintenance and planning.
Kopterflug supports chimney maintenance engineers by providing accurate inspection data that enables effective maintenance planning. We work closely with maintainers to clearly define inspection objectives and ensure that all key areas of the chimney are covered. Our drone pilots capture high-resolution images and LiDAR data, allowing maintenance engineers to accurately analyse the condition of the chimney. This collaboration ensures that maintenance engineers can make informed decisions to ensure optimal chimney operation and safety.
Kopterflug stands out from other providers due to our extensive experience and specialisation in the inspection of chimneys and industrial plants. We combine state-of-the-art drone technology, such as the Flyability ELIOS 3 for indoor inspections and the DJI M30T for outdoor inspections, with a deep understanding of the specific challenges and requirements of chimney inspections. Our long-standing collaboration with leading surveyors and inspection organisations, such as I.S.T. Ingenieurbüro für Schornsteintechnik and Züblin ZCR, guarantees that our inspection data meets the highest standards. We also offer customised inspection solutions that are precisely tailored to the needs of our customers, making us a reliable and competent partner.

Kopterflug ensures that every drone inspection is precisely tailored to the customer's requirements and the specific conditions of the chimney. Before each inspection, we clarify the objectives and scope of the inspection together with the customer. In doing so, we place particular emphasis on the focal points that are important to the operator, such as checking for cracks, corrosion, deposits or structural weaknesses.

Our experienced drone pilots work in close liaison with the client or the appointed surveyors to ensure that all relevant areas and specific requirements are covered. We utilise the latest drone technology and provide accurate data to enable clients to make informed analysis and planning. Through optimal communication and customisation to our clients' needs, we ensure that inspections are carried out efficiently, accurately and in a targeted manner.

Booking a drone inspection with Kopterflug is simple and straightforward. Firstly, get in touch with us - by phone, email or via our online contact form. During the initial conversation, we determine the specific requirements for your chimney inspection, such as the type of chimney, the location and the desired inspection objectives.

We then advise you on the best inspection methods and prepare a customised quotation that includes all the details such as the procedure, the types of drones used, the estimated duration and the cost of the inspection. Once the quotation has been accepted, we will arrange an inspection date that suits your operational processes. On the agreed date, our trained drone pilots will carry out the inspection and provide you with comprehensive documentation of the results afterwards.

Contact us today to book your drone inspection and find out more about our services!